Saturday, 12 May 2007

Welcome Miss Plum !!! (*****must read)

FRIDAY MAY 11TH 2007,WEIGHT, under 1poundHEIGHT, 17.2cmBIRTHDAY unknown (so for celebratory purposes roughly around 01/03/2007)FAVOURITE TIPLE: water, if I feeling a bit adventurous maybe a bit of lemonade - I like the bubbles!(lemonade makes me roots tingle)FAVOURITE INSECT: the ladybird, its red body makes my leaves look even greener.PET HATE: snails!!! the bastards! (me aunt cherry was sunbathing in this fantastic allotment once, and this massive antenied freaky sludger of a snail - Burt I believe his name was; slimed his way over across the soil - she couldn't do anything but wait - for two whole days! and 'e got trod on the next day! what a waste!)IDEAL MR T: Tall, Green, Adventurous, GSOH, Doesn't mind a bit of wind.IDEAL ROOT TO ROOT: Mint, - How do they stay so fresh?! Hello!First of all I should introduce myself. My name is Miss Plum. I have sixteen beautiful green leaves (similar to the colour of grass).I am full of clorophyll and raring to grow.I like sunshine, but wilt a little when it's too hot. After sunbathing I sometimes like a bit of rain to cool down.Today has been a crazy day. First of all I was with Chaomious, and then she gave me away! One minute Im in a suitcase, presumably going places then i slumped on some desk that stinks of turps (When I was younger I used to think I was a turnip).Next thing I know, I got some blimin plastic bag being wrapped around me - I mean hello - I'm alive - I need oxygen. You know as soon as you've gone into that really dark place of someones rucksack that your life is gonna be short lived. I thought that was it. i thought the next thing I'd see would be good old burt warbling across white fluffy clouds!Luckily instead, I'm sat in front of this computer. The rooms not bad, bit dim at the mo, I think I could be comfortable here. Not many other tomatoes though. hummm.What's that over there, its narrow an a bit like a thick root - like a cylinder I think, it looks silver inside but has got like a gold nd black wrapper. It's also got a plus at one end and a minus on the other end - humm, whats it say 'DUR,' ooh, hang on 'DURA..DURAC...DURACELL'. 'DURACELL' Where do Duracell grow?What's this down here, there's a blue plastic bit with two holes, one slightly larger then the other then they join by two long metal things that overlapSCISSORS, oh my god oh my god, SCISSORS! sCISSORS! TOMATO ALERT TOMATO ALERT, THERE ARE SCISSORS NEARBY - SENDING SOS - SCISSORS!!!!!!!!!!!to be cont.....
11 May 2007 14:53 from Sarah El


chaomious said...

Hi Miss Plum, can I ask you where are you living in London?(area) Chaomi

Sera said...

At the moment Miss Plum is residing in Hackney, but who knows where the wind will take Miss Plum?